Between Seasons 2 and 3

"I left that hick town to get away from people who want things from me." - Clark to Chastity, Sojourn

During his first evening in Metropolis, Clark enters a bar where he meets a woman named Chastity. After a fight with the patrons, Clark takes her to his hotel room. For some additional money, she recommends him to Mick (her cousin) who runs Intergang. After hearing where Clark is from, Chastity mentions that he is a good man to stick around, to which he responds by kicking her out of the room.

He goes to the nightclub Echo Chambers to meet Mick only to be turned away (but not before checking out an envelope containing a flight information). Afterward, Clark hijacks a plane to steal some diamonds. Returning to the city to deposit them, he passes Jonathan by.[1]

  1. Smallville Issue 5: Sojourn