Smallville Wiki

I reworded the article to reflect the ambiguity of the drug's effects; I.E., we never learn if it was really the afterlife, or a hallucinogenic effect. --Noclevername 11:09, 6 March 2008 (UTC)

We never learn that it isn't afterlife, and there is absolutely no proof against afterlife. The characters interacted with deceased characters, and what they learned was incredibly accurate, furthering the afterlife idea. --Stressed dessert 20:05, 6 March 2008 (UTC)
We also have no proof that it is. For now, let's leave it with language that doesn't try to force one or the other interpretation, until such time as it's actually settled clearly, and in canon. Please don't turn this into a revert war. --Noclevername 21:24, 7 March 2008 (UTC)
You may not believe in afterlife, and I'm not saying that I do either. But, you have absolutely no proof that it was a hallucination. However, there is proof that there is afterlife, at least in Smallville. Please stop. This is a fiction, not non-fiction. --Stressed dessert 00:39, 8 March 2008 (UTC)
Hey guys - as a compromise, how about we work elements of this discussion into the article? That way, the evidence you guy have both cited can be worked into the article, and the reader will come away with a more nuanced understanding of how the limbo drug worked.
In addition, I think some quotes from the episode on the Limbo Drug might also shed some light on the drug's effects? I thought I remembered the med students referring to the patiences actually dying, but I could be wrong. Either way, a Quotes section might make a good addition to the article. --Kanamekun 01:02, 8 March 2008 (UTC)
Uh, read into much, SD? I never said I believe or disbelieve anything. I never said Smallville does or doesn't have an afterlife. I am talking about what is presented in the show, and there is absolutely nothing in the episode which proved whether the visions provided by the drug were real or false. That's all that I'm saying, that's all the aired material supports, and the article should reflect just that. --Noclevername 07:55, 10 February 2009 (UTC)